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Seaton St, Basseterre

Est 1787

The Wesley (Basseterre) Society was established in 1787. Before the end of 1787, Rev. William Hammett bought land on which the Wesley Chapel currently stands at a cost of 600 pounds. The said lands were conveyed to William Brazier et al, “in trust for Methodist uses”. The chapel was consecrated in 1825 and is the oldest public building in Basseterre. With no contribution from the State, tribute must be made to members, who by their diligent work and sacrificial giving contributed to the building of this massive structure. Damaged by hurricanes in 1928 and 1998, the chapel underwent extensive renovations both times and was re-opened and rededicated on 12th December, 1929 and 18th August, 2002 respectively. It is the largest...

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George St, Newtown, Basseterre

Est 1879

In gratitude to God, Mr. Daniel Ross, a merchant, built a wooden chapel in 1879 and handed it over to the Methodist Church. The major condition to the gift was that the Chapel be named in honour of his son, Hope, hence the name, “Hope Chapel”. For more than one hundred (100) years, Hope Chapel remained annexed to Wesley with a once-a-month Sunday Service and weekly prayer meetings. Eventually, the wooden structure had to be replaced as it was deemed to be a hazard and beyond repair.  Reconstruction work started on 1st April, 1985. On 1st September, 1985 the new Chapel, a two storey concrete structure, was rededicated by Rev’d. Joseph Lloyd, Chairman of the Leeward Islands District.

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St Jonhson Methodist Church St. Kitts

Cardin Ave, St. Johnston Village, Basseterre

Est 1939

To cater to the spiritual and social needs of the expanding Basseterre community, the Methodist Church acquired land, along what was later to be named Cardin Avenue, for the purpose of building a church. The St. Johnston Methodist Church was dedicated on Thursday, 2nd November, 1939. It was designed and built by Rev. William Sunter, the longest serving minister in the history of the Circuit, 1910-1948.  Over the years the building has undergone various structural and other changes.

However, the purpose of the land was not only to build a church, but to take the initiative of building a school as well. The School, named, “The St. Johnston Village School”, was made available to the...

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Challengers Methodist Church St. Kitts

Main Rd, Challengers

Est circa 1800s

The Challengers Methodist Church is the successor to the historic Palmetto Point Chapel, which was erected in 1828 at Palmetto Point, Trinity Parish. Due mainly to migration, the Church was officially closed in 1950. Around 1945, a portion of land was purchased from Stonefort Estate where, initially, a wooden School building was erected. The current Church Hall or Community Centre replaced the wooden building. The current Chapel next door was completed and dedicated in 1961 with the roof being replaced on two occasions after the passage of hurricanes in 1989 and 1998.

Rev’d. Damien E. Hughes was a member in training (baptized) in this congregation.

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Ebenezer Methodist Church St. Kitts

Station St, Old Road

Est circa 1790

By 1790, a Methodist church was established in Old Road, which was once the Capital of the English section of the island. The first chapel was wooden, erected somewhere to the east of the present sanctuary. In 1838, the current stone chapel was built and was “christened”, “Ebenezer” – “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us”. The Chapel had a lower and upper floor with a balcony and choir loft.

The congregation has produced one minister – Rev’d. Tyrone S. N. Hunkins.

Presbyter in Pastoral Charge – Rev’d Telford D. Matthew

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Phipps Methodist Church St. Kitts

Main Rd, Half Way Tree

Est circa 1800s

The present stone structure was erected in 1837 and enlarged in 1839. The land was donated by Mr. & Mrs. William Phipps, the owners of the neighbouring estate known as Con Phipps. In 2011, the church, known as “Half Way Tree Methodist Church”, was renamed “Phipps Memorial Methodist Church”, in honour of the Phippses.

Presbyter in Pastoral Charge – Rev’d Telford D. Matthew

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Immanuel Methodist Church St. Kitts

Crab Hill, Sandy Point

Est 1787

When the Methodists arrived in Sandy Point, the town was enjoying a period of prosperity due to military and commercial activities. Records indicate that the wooden chapel in Dieppe Bay was moved to Sandy Point, which was later expanded to accommodate the growing membership. The present stone structure was erected in 1830 with three galleries added in 1839. In 2011, the church formally known as “Sandy Point Methodist Church”, was renamed “Immanuel Methodist Church”. After some renovations, the Chapel was rededicated on October 30, 2016.

To date, Immanuel has produced four (4) ministers: Revd’s. Allan C. Belboda, of blessed memory, James C. Richardson, Leroy Henry...

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St Pauls Methodist Church St. Kitts

Brotherson Estate

Est circa 1800s

Records do not show when work began in this area. However, in 1841, the current chapel was erected on lands equidistant between Newtown Ground and St. Paul’s Village. It was built to reduce the overcrowding at Sandy Point as many worshippers walked from St. Paul’s to Sandy Point for worship. The Church continues to serve the two communities of Newton Ground and St. Paul’s.

To date, the congregation has produced two ministers: Rev’d Veronica Williams-Gumbs (MCCA) and Rev’d Dr. Carmelita Morton (UCC).

Presbyter in Pastoral Charge – Rev’d Tyrone S.N. Hunkins

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K G Swanston Methodist Church St. Kitts

Main Rd, Dieppe Bay

Est 1787

Dieppe Bay was an important town and seaport at the time Methodist witness began. The first chapel, located at Chapel Street, was built of stone in 1834, enlarged in 1838 and again in 1843 with a gallery added in 1840. Unfortunately, it had to be abandoned in 1920 due to coastal erosion.

The current octagonal chapel, located on the Island Main Road, was built by Rev William Sunter and dedicated in 1922.

The Dieppe Bay Methodist chapel was rededicated on Sunday, July 03, 2011 and renamed “Kenneth G. Swanston Memorial Methodist Church”.

Rev’d. Kenneth G. Swanston, of blessed memory, was a son of this...

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Tabernacle Methodist Church St. Kitts

Tabernacle Village

Est circa 1800s

The temporary place of worship was established at a place known as “George Piece” which was referred to as the “Tabernacle”. The community became so known. Tabernacle was once an out-station of Dieppe Bay. A stone chapel was erected in 1838 which replaced “a building of thatch and wattling.” The name, “Mission Street” will be a perpetual memorial to the life and witness of Methodist missionaries and Methodists generally in that part of the Circuit.

Bishop Charles A. Seaton, the sitting President of the Leeward Islands District, is a son of this Congregation.

Presbyter in Pastoral Charge – Rev’d Tyrone S.N. Hunkins

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Cayon Methodist Church St. Kitts

Main Rd, Cayon

Est circa 1800s

A wooden chapel was erected in the village in the early 1800’s. By the 1820’s, the chapel size was inadequate and required repairs. To acquire land to enlarge the chapel an interesting agreement was entered into in 1826 with Quaco - “a-negro of Hermitage Estate” who occupied the land.  The chapel remained on this site “for well-nigh 200 years” and was last renovated and dedicated in May 1979. Both the building and the land could not accommodate further expansion and an alternative plot of land was sought from the Government.

Work on the new chapel on lands donated by the Government on the Island Main Road started during the Superintendency of Rev. Harold Gill, now of blessed memory. Dedication of this new sanctuary took...

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Primary Source of Information:

Methodism in St Kitts 1787-2000, Sir Probyn Inniss


Seaton Street
P. O. Box 141,
Basseterre, St. Kitts

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