Tabernacle Village
EST. circa 1800s
Weekly Schedule
9:00 am - Worship Service
7:00 pm - Bible Study
The temporary place of worship was established at a place known as “George Piece” which was referred to as the “Tabernacle”. The community became so known. Tabernacle was once an out-station of Dieppe Bay. A stone chapel was erected in 1838 which replaced “a building of thatch and wattling.” The name, “Mission Street” will be a perpetual memorial to the life and witness of Methodist missionaries and Methodists generally in that part of the Circuit.
Bishop Charles A. Seaton, the sitting President of the Leeward Islands District, is a son of this Congregation.
Presbyter in Pastoral Charge – Rev’d Andrine J. Joseph
Contact Steward - Sis. Icilma Springer